
I work hard to inspire a deeper understanding of our shared environment and the ways in which it expresses and informs the condition of our being. My goal is to encourage a perpetual state of curiosity and growth in myself and those that I interact with, and as such, my process is often collaborative, organizational, and insistently interdisciplinary. The resulting artworks grapple with the politics, economics, and philosophy of existence and communicate through a wide variety of forms.
In an organizational context, I challenge ‘traditional’ canonical thought by means of practicing a more socially-oriented, community-centered form of art production and curation. My collaborators and I have not only challenged, but in some cases, have radically augmented institutional practice and infrastructure through this work, which is built on a foundation of deep listening, intergenerational skill- and knowledge-sharing, and institutional de-centering. Collaborating with artists across media, I leverage my skills, knowledge, and experience to create a platform for community-building, and civic engagement.